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May 2022 – Monthly Meeting Minutes

Posted by on May 21, 2022

FLOPS Club Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2022

Fossil Cove Brewery, Fayetteville

7:15 PM – Meeting called to order with toast by Forrest, welcome by Tom Maddock

No new attendees.

Small crowd tonight, but some tasty beers.

Old Business

Education – contact Keith or Tom if you have a topic. Does not need to be fancy, just useful

Iron Brewer – congrats to Oz club who swept all three places in the competition.

New Business

Home Brew Showcase – Daniel Stubblefield won Jack McAuliffe award for his Watermelon Milkshake IPA beer,

Core Brewing confirmed date (Saturday, August 20) for a homebrew focused beer festival. More details to come.

Reminder – officer nominations will be taken at the June meeting. Greg Newman will take as an action item to post appropriate reminders on social media.

Brewtober – October 8 – hold the date

Oz to hold judging for Iron Brewer on July 5th. Location TBD. Style is Belgian Blonde.

Fossil Cove will release ‘Old Toesucker’ Barleywine on the Solstice, June 21.

Brewer of the Month: Daniel Stubblefield

Ass of the Month: Greg Newman

Education – Question about bottling a few beers from a batch. Counter pressure filling is an option, but messy. Hoses can be added to picnic taps, but still that can be a mess. Carbonation tabs (sugar pills) can be added directly to bottles and provide carbonation. Just add the tabs and add beer to bottles prior to force carbonation. Carbonation tabs are available at North Tunnel Brewing. Another option is to use cheap scales available on Amazon to weigh out table sugar and dose each bottle individually. All of these methods have pros and cons, but are certainly less messy than counter pressure fills.